Unakavierde's Bog
Una's Art!


*tail waves*
some links
Contact Una!
hippocampus or campchurch?
cool art
About that Una-chan
Una's Art!

These are just some drawings by your very own Unakavierde Alsumae' ^_^ *bows*  Although they are pretty pathetic.....ENJOY ANYHOW! ^_~

This picture is my very first prismacolor picture ^_^ I like to say "what started it all" *chuckles*   It's not that great, but I like the pose and the colors. 

Purple Hippocampus
image created and copyrighted by ME!

"Alamae" Tis Una's first anthro!
anthro finch
image created and copyrighted by ME

My RL Soulsibs.
image created and copyrighted to ME as in UNA!

I better not catch any of the images on any of these pages floating anywhere they shouldn't be.......*smiles sweetly*